

I may have written about this before, but I can't help but become baffled every time Mark tries to use iTunes. I guess every time he tries to do anything with the computer. I know, I know, he can't help it. Unlike me, staring at a computer all day, he stares into mouths. Still, why is it that I have to walk him through how to use iTunes 2 or three times a week. Maybe I wouldn't be so bothered if I was standing right next to him, but no, he will yell across the house for me to help him when I'm in the bathroom or have my hands elbow deep in dishwater. Every single time he wants to buy or load a song to his iPod, I have to remind him how to do it. He's the same way with cleaning too. If the dog vomits on the floor, he freaks out and asks me what to do. "What do I do LeAnna, what do I need to do?" Do you have any idea how many times he's cleaned up puppy accidents? Well, it's quite a few times, which lead me to think that he would know how to handle the situation. Instead, I get yelled at for help, while I'm in the shower. Oh, bless his heart. Sometimes I could kick him in the earlobe and no doubt he feels the same about me. It can't make him too happy when I roll my eyes a thousand times because I think he should know how to do something by now.
I guess he would probably get pretty annoyed with me too if I asked him a billion times in a week how to work a cavatron and x-ray machine.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that women haven't figured out that as guys, we feign confusion in the hopes that you will just do whatever task for us.

