
Kings of Leon

Aside from the fact that I couldn't bring my camera in, I had an awesome time at the Kings of Leon concert. They are absolutely amazing live. Their opening bands, The Whigs and We Are Scientists, were quite good as well. All around it was a good night. Nicole Kidman waved at me, I heard great music, had a great seat, saw some vomit . . . oh yeah. Not even into the first band, someone spewed chunks all over the floor about two rows in front of us. All night half of our section was screaming at people not to sit there while frantically waving our arms in the air, at times unsuccessful. It was super crowded, leaving me only one option to get through to the bathroom. Lots of climbing. I sort of felt like Crocodile Dundee in the last scene in the movie where he steps on top of peoples heads to get to his lady in the subway. It was quite and accomplishment.
As I was hanging out enjoying the music, I started to wonder to myself this one question: 'I wonder how many bands started with the phrase: We need to get chicks. Let's start a band.? Really how many bands out there can vouch for that and that it actually worked in more ways than one. I was looking around at all the girls in there, more than half of which I am sure would drop their panties in a second for any of those band members, wether they be hot or not. I'm not one of those girls mind you, although I might show some side cleavage to get the chance to take some pictures at a concert. Ok, no really I wouldn't do that but you get my point. The influence that they have through their moves, sound and lyrics is astounding. I don't think I heard one song where the crowd wasn't singing along. That also has to be quite surreal for the band. They are going out there doing what they love and essentially would never have to sing a word because their crowd knows every one. To hear your lyrics sung by all those people would give me chills if I were the band.
I noticed one member of the Roadcrew taking photos and managing equipment and I couldn't help but wonder why he was the only one taking pictures and from only one spot. Everything he took was from the right side of the stage. He never moved. I was a bit annoyed. I really wanted to jump down there and take photos but I'm not going to go there again. I got up the balls to ask him if he was the only photographer they had and was going to ask if they could use a free photographer for more local stuff. He didn't give me the time of day. His response to my first question was, in a super cocky jerky voice "It's because I work for the band." He looked at me like I was a complete idiot. Give a ho a chance to talk man! I honestly am not looking to meet the band, even though that would be pretty cool, I am just looking to start a new area of photography. I want to do something that I love, can be proud of and have a great time doing as well. It would be so awesome to listen to great music and be able to snap away as much as I want and not have to tell them what to do. It sort of puts me in a comfort zone of not being on the spot as a photographer. Believe it or not I do sort of feel on the spot taking pictures. There is this pressure that I haven't gotten over about how to pose or not pose people and how to be more creative. I need to give myself credit. I'm still a baby in the photography world and I know it will come.
So, sorry I don't have any great photos to share with you. All in all, the night was amazing and they are one of the three bands that I would go see every time they came back to Nashville.

Here is the link to my favorite song by KOL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCZfJ5ai07U.

Later taters.


  1. Yeah, I kinda know how it feels. I started a band. Well, it's a band with two other guys, for "Rock Band" on the PS3.

    But we played the other night, and two of the girls at the party starting singing along with us.

    So technically, the crowd sang along to one of our songs. And it was legendary. Unfortunately, no side cleavage on display. But it's probably because our band is still relatively new.

    Can't have anything to do with the fact that it's just a game for the PS3.

  2. I was at this show, and I had a great time. I love observing all the hipster kids. I saw the same photographer guy and it irritated me too. I used to take concert photos for shows I put together at school, and I was definitely everywhere. For something as big as that show, learn to shift around, dude.

  3. So glad someone else noticed. Still not happy that we only get to see the left side of their face in all his photos.

    Works for the band my ass! More like, works to take pictures of the left side of the bands faces.
