
I'm Amazed

Well I have to say that the concert went well. We heard some great music, went to the port-o-pottie one to many times, ran into a friend or two and fell down the hill without spilling our drink. Ok, so we didn't fall down the hill, disaster head did. No, no, to my disappointment she didn't get hit in the head with a drumstick, but she did fall on her pancake and slid right down a hill. Very gracefully I might add again to my disappointment. Then we got into a heated debate with a complete stranger about God. He was an atheist. That was about how well it went. Sorry I don't have anything more interesting to report on the disaster prone but I think she read my blog before we left and decided that she needed to keep her pancake in line or else utter humiliation would occur. I'm AMAZED. So all that said, we had a fantastic time and you all need to be listening to some My Morning Jacket.

1 comment:

  1. ok, so again, my sister has to tell me about your blog... and i explained that not only I, but several people fell down the same hill. so sue me. at least i did it "gracefully".. right??? Anyway, had a blast, and can't wait to go out again!
    Loves you,
