
Goodbye 2010

As far as normal everyday life is concerned, this year has sort of let me down. It seems like every corner we turned there was a disaster waiting. I have never, in my 29 years, been so happy to say goodbye to a year. It always seemed so depressing to me, getting older and looking back, but I have to say that this years personal issues and life, flooding, construction, car accidents, pain, and frustrations will be disappearing with 2010. I realize my problems are small to so many others, but for me they are huge.

I'm hoping that this year I can make myself grow and not worry. I'm hoping that I can make a list of things to do afraid and do them. As Jasmine Star put it, I don't want to un-dream. Hope. Hoping. Hopeful. I will look up, even when it feels hopeless and I will hope, dream, and do things afraid. That is the shortest I can make my list of resolutions. It applies to every part of any life. It is the least that I can give back to God and all those who support me. Press on, look forward, dream big, and never look back at what you can't change. I hope I can do that this year.

A few things I'm hoping for and looking forward to this year:

Water for Elephants
Harry Potter Finale
A New Car
The Canon 5d Mark II
Lighting Class
Booking weddings, engagements and families for shoots
Band Photos
Turning 30
14 years of tough love ;)
a trip over seas
An air balloon ride
Losing 20 pounds
Using my new Instax Mini
Summer and the beach
True Blood nights
flood of creativity

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