
LeleGreen Captures . . . Ben and Scott

So recently I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ben and Mr. Scott. They are little boys to their very core. Excited, entertaining, sport loving, and full of funnies and laughs. I had such a great time taking their photos. We went over into a small patch of woods right by their house to sled down a little hill. Even though there was no snow, the boys energy and enthusiasm for the sledding down the hill made that snow magically appear. I loved watching them interact with each other, just how brothers should. Punching and kicking, hugging and laughing. It was awesome and makes me want to have a little boy of my own one day. Thank you Sonkin family for inviting me to your home to capture your boys being awesomely cool little dudes. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I loved taking them.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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