
Rocked the Mic

I understand how and why this game can be addicting now. You feel like a rock star. You realize you can keep a beat. Playing the guitar is really not as hard as it sounds. Your leg cramps from pressing down the bass pedal. You rock out. You belt out. You get applause. Rock Band fricking ROCKS!

Last night when I heard we were going to be playing, I immediately clammed up and said no. I'm typically not the kind of person who does that sort of thing. I'm shy and don't want to look stupid in front of others. Not that I'm ever successful anyway. Well when that first group of people got on and started playing, I couldn't resist. I sort of pulled the " oh no I really shouldn't, I'm terrible, no, oh well ok" thing, and grabbed the sticks. I had a BLAST! I sucked playing the drums. 25% on my first try and 47% on the second. Then, to my own surprise, I actually grabbed the mic and sang. My face was beat red, but I sang. I did it. I conquered a fear. I sang in front of people and I wasn't half bad. I didn't really keep up the longer vocals and such, but I did score a 98 and 96. I was a little bummed that there were only about 2 girl songs on there, but I had fun singing Jet anyway.

When it was time to go, I sort of didn't want to. Mark looked at me and said "you know we are going to have to get this now".
Well . . . DUH!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the obsession!

    It's funny, everytime I have a party, people say they aren't going to sing. Then a couple songs in, EVERYONE wants to try ... and then you can't get people to set down the microphone.

    Glad you cut loose and tried it!
