

For all of you curious about my Halloween outfit here you go. I know it's a bit late but give me a break. I only just got all of the blue paint out of my ears. I was also trying to come down off of the high of winning funniest costume. I've been trying for years to win a costume contest at Mandy's party. It's about damn time. Also, just to let you know, I'm really not as chunky as this picture makes me look. The dress is a size too big and white. Not much I could do about that. I made my cute little hat. I was very pleased with my efforts. Poor Mark though. We really didn't put much effort into his and I felt bad. He came out looking more like a gnome than Papa Smurf. Any hoobie let me know if you think I did ok. I give you SMURFETTE!!


  1. Now that is smurftastic! At least you had to know going in that you guys would probably be the only Smurfs. And in keeping with the actual show, you were the only female smurf in town.

    Classic costume.

  2. I think I pulled it off ho-smurf-tastically.
