
Belated Father's Day

I once read a saying, probably on some Cracker Barrell plaque, that said, "Anyone can be a daddy, but it takes someone special to be a Father."

I have to disagree here. In my opinion, it's easy to be a Father. A father provides for you, gives you gas money, teaches you math, and is always very serious about everything you do. It's the obvious responsibility that comes with the territory. I think it takes someone special to be a daddy. Not a dad, but a daddy. This is probably something that applies more to girls that it does guys. It took me a long time to be able to call him daddy. Sure that's what I called him when I was four but somewhere along the line it progressed into dad because I got older and it didn't sound so childish. Then again for a while I didn't know what to call him. There were trials, disagreements, disappointments, hurt and I was confused. Everything I knew had changed. It took me a while again to figure out what it meant. Something changed in my dad while I was in college and suddenly I remembered him, and what it meant for him to be my "daddy". So on that note, a daddy is: Someone who will be there to put your hair in a pony tail when mommy can't. A man who let's you shift the gears and cracks up when you stall. A man who tickles your toes to wake you up in the morning and did until I moved out of the house. A man who will always try to be as hip as you are and somehow pulls it off. A man who will make you giggle while your getting 12 stitches in your toes. A man who will still show up at a hospital when you break your pinky toe even though you are married. A man who will clean up your up-chuck without one complaint. A man who is not afraid to be a goofball in public and embarrass you. A man who will try to save you a buck on your car even if he puts it together wrong. A man who will still loan you $50 for that dress you've been wanting, even though you have a husband. A man who can sit down and enjoy a beer or glass of wine with you. A man who gives bear hugs. A man who would be proud of you even if you were a bum. A man who pushes you and believes in you no matter what. A man who is there for his daughter through thick and thin.

After that one year in school and all the reconciling that was done, I finally figured out what it meant for him to be a daddy. I only know of one other person that is my age and still calls her father daddy and I'm sure she feels the same way. So to all you great daddy's out there and to my two big brothers, HAPPY BELATED DADDY'S DAY!!


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